President Bush and Kerry debate
Most impartial observers said the debate was a draw. Those that watched and based their reactions on style said Kerry won. But the same people said Bush was more credible, believable and showed a greater ability to lead. Looking at substance, Bush clearly won. Kerry had many misstatements. Kerry claimed he never called Bush a liar but he had used that word. Kerry falsely said the NY subway was closed during the Republican convention but it wasn't closed, and he said he looked at KGB records in "Treblinka Square" in a visit to Russia but Treblinka was a Nazi death camp. There were many other statements by Kerry that contradicted past statements he made reaffirming the flip-flip issue. Bush answered the questions with emotion and very heartfelt. Kerry tried to sound like a war hawk which will be a surprise to many of his supporters who want Kerry to pull troops out of Iraq. Kerry continued to mock our allies and again falsely claimed we were going it alone. Bush pointed out that Kerry can't get allies to support us when he is mocking them and saying the war was a mistake and a diversion. On North Korea, Kerry took a completely different position he takes on the war on terror(flip-flop). While Kerry demands coalitions, he said we should negotiate alone with North Korea. Bush pointed out we have many countries in the coalition in the war on terror and 5 countries around North Korea working with us against North Korea and their attempt to gain nuclear weapons. Bush made the point Kerry changes positions and that is no way to lead.
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