CCR Blog

Conservative's Chat Room members write on the CCR Blog. Notable statements made in the chat are posted so others can discuss.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Prepare Yourself For the VP Debate - Take Action

This was sent to me from Ken Mehlman, BushCheney campaign manager......

The debate tonight presents a tremendous opportunity for the campaign to attract undecided voters, but people's perceptions are shaped as much by their conversations around the water cooler as by the debates themselves.

The Vice President's goal is to do what he's been doing throughout this election: explain to the American people why the President's policies are right for America and the world we live in today - in fighting the war on terror, in keeping our economy growing and in responding to the new challenges of the 21st century.

After last week's debate, the Kerry campaign spin machine managed to mask their candidate's flip-flops on the war in Iraq, imposition of a "global test" for protecting America, and repeated denigration of our troops and allies.

If we plan to win the election, we must fight back against their spin and make sure our friends and neighbors get the truth.

We need your help tonight!
  • Visit tonight during the debate so you will have the facts. Print and share them with your friends.
  • Immediately after the debate, visit online polls, chat rooms, and discussion boards and make your voice heard. The major news networks will all have internet polls after the debate. Make sure you vote in polls on:
    and even CBS.
  • Make sure swing state voters know why you support the President by sharing your thoughts on message boards in target states.
  • Call Talk Radio shows in your area.
  • Write letters to the editors of your local papers.
  • Visit Chat rooms on AOL, MSN, and Yahoo!
  • Send this message to 5 friends.
  • Beyond tonight, you should return to these forums in the coming days and make your voice heard and your support for the President known.

If someone asks you a question about the President, direct them to the campaign's website, It has lots of information on the President's Agenda for America ( and the President's record of accomplishment (

We have said before, there is no better messenger for this campaign than you. There is also no more powerful medium for political discussion. As one of our online activists, you realize that.
Make your voice heard by completing the actions above.


Ken Mehlman

P.S. If we plan to win the election, we must fight back against the Kerry campaign's spin and make sure our friends and neighbors get the truth after tonight's debate. We need you to complete the actions above and send this message to five friends. Will you help us beat the Kerry spin machine?


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