CCR Blog

Conservative's Chat Room members write on the CCR Blog. Notable statements made in the chat are posted so others can discuss.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

American success story of historic proportions - Afghanistan

Afghan President Hamid Karzai is expected to win the first election in Afghanistan on Saturday capping a successful victory over terrorists and the Taliban by US military and allies including many Afghanies. This can be viewed only as a great success for President Bush, our armed forces and America. The liberal media will have a hard time spinning this against the President or denying the well deserved kudos. The liberal media won't want to cover it. Did they send their top reporters? Will Rather, Brokaw and Jennings be in Afghanistan to witness this historic event? We will see. The Afghan election is something all Americans should celebrate. We were successful and President Bush should gain the political windfall from it. Not often do we see historic events that are a direct result of the hard work and brave efforts of our military. All those involved that sacrificed, some even gave their lives, need to be honored for their accomplishment. It's a shame the liberal media will play it down in it's significance. But it's their shame. This display of democracy helps dearly in the war on terror and shows the entire world the greatness of America liberating and helping an entire country gain the freedom they deserve.


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