CCR Blog

Conservative's Chat Room members write on the CCR Blog. Notable statements made in the chat are posted so others can discuss.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Aside from the flip-flopping, the lies, the lack of representation to his constituents in almost 20 years in the Senate, and the Senator’s own history of cavorting with our enemies, should anyone need additional proof that this man is ill-equipped to serve as President of this great nation? If so, please consider the article published in the New York Times today, alleging that approximately 380 tons "of powerful conventional explosives are now missing" from one of Iraq's more sensitive former military installations.
It is one thing for the NYT to have published that article, but quite different to have Senator Kerry, who should have been briefed on such information, to use it in his campaign speeches. Just hours after the New York Times article was on the streets, Kerry was blasting the current administration for its failure to "guard those stockpiles", adding, "This is one of the great blunders of Iraq, one of the great blunders of this administration."
I find it not only disturbing that Senator Kerry has such little knowledge of what has occurred in Iraq, as well as the many successes our troops have had in that country, but speculate how his lack of attention to such important details and events would affect this country were he walking in the President’s shoes. The more one knows about this man, the more one studies his campaign rhetoric, and the more one independently obtains the facts, the stronger the evidence we need to eliminate any chance Senator Kerry ever becomes included in the list of U.S. Presidents.
I hope it becomes as evident to other voters, as it has to me, that the liberals are attempting to sell us a bag empty of substance, but full of tricks.


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