CCR Blog

Conservative's Chat Room members write on the CCR Blog. Notable statements made in the chat are posted so others can discuss.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Support Our President

From time to time we ask among ourselves, "Why isn’t President Bush, or Dick Cheney, responding to the many accusations and allegations of their opposition?" Well, maybe that is saved for the many who DO support Bush and Cheney.

For instance, Kerry proposes to cut taxes for 98 percent of taxpayers, yet President Bush’s tax relief cut taxes for 100 percent of those who pay income tax. Further, Kerry continues to tout the reduction of health care costs to employers by giving tax credits, as well as insisting he would allow the purchase of U.S.-made prescription drugs from other countries. On the other hand, it was President Bush who signed the bill giving tax credit for those workers displaced by trade, and the Medicare prescription drug law that also allows for importation of those drugs certified as “safe”. In addition, it is President Bush who proposes refundable tax credits for families purchasing individual health insurance.

I would hope that each one of us who supports President Bush would educate themselves as to the issues being raised by the Democrats, and have a factual and understandable response for those who are open to a rational discussion of their choices in this election. Our work to gather support for our President does not stop until November 2, 2004.


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