We have spent the months since January 2004 taking in the "news" that the media airs and publishes and have heard all the indignation by that very media to our calls for objectivity, truth and fact. While the media heralded Michael Moore’s "Farenheit 9/11", they ignored the Swift Boat vets and their ads, until it became apparent those very ads were having an effect on Kerry’s standing in the polls. Then, in an attempt to offset the negativity to Kerry’s campaign, the media goes to Asia to interview former Communist activists to validate Mr. Kerry.
During this period of time, there have been films and news available from those supporting our President. Those films have been attacked at every turn by the media, and are now being challenged in the judicial system. It has come to the point where those who have a difference of opinion with the Democrats are either being silenced by the very media that is touted as a "free press", or denied "equal time" by the very courts that were designed to guarantee everyone a "fair judicial process".
The icing on "my cake" appeared last evening in a local talk show program. A Kerry supporter called in to complain that the talk show host had no right to "invade" an upcoming Michael Moore event in one of the universities to challenge Mr. Moore’s speech and his documentary, "Farenheit 9/11". Further, the caller voiced her displeasure with Condi Rice campaigning in the "swing states" for President Bush, stating, "Ms. Rice is our National Security Adviser and should have her attention on our national security, not a Presidential campaign." Upon further conversation, this caller divulged she felt President Bush and Vice President Cheney should likewise "not be out campaigning, but attending to the business in Washington." The talk show host immediately stated, "Then, in the interest of fairness, you would also want Kerry and Edwards to go back to the Senate and tend to their responsibilities in Congress to their respective constituents". However, the caller strongly denied she wanted the Democrat’s candidates to stop campaigning, and continued to give reasons why our President and his staff should stay in Washington and NOT campaign.
I post these observations to urge ALL conservatives to get busy and share ideas, make suggestions, and design ways for our segment of the population to ensure we get equal time and similar coverage as that being given our opposition. If we fail to properly challenge the present atmosphere of misinformation and unbalanced reporting, we will no longer be living in a republic, but a form of government similar to that formerly known as the U.S.S.R. What we are seeing now is all part of a larger plan and that plan is obviously not designed to fit the requirements of our present Constitution. Let us start organizing NOW, before it is too late.
During this period of time, there have been films and news available from those supporting our President. Those films have been attacked at every turn by the media, and are now being challenged in the judicial system. It has come to the point where those who have a difference of opinion with the Democrats are either being silenced by the very media that is touted as a "free press", or denied "equal time" by the very courts that were designed to guarantee everyone a "fair judicial process".
The icing on "my cake" appeared last evening in a local talk show program. A Kerry supporter called in to complain that the talk show host had no right to "invade" an upcoming Michael Moore event in one of the universities to challenge Mr. Moore’s speech and his documentary, "Farenheit 9/11". Further, the caller voiced her displeasure with Condi Rice campaigning in the "swing states" for President Bush, stating, "Ms. Rice is our National Security Adviser and should have her attention on our national security, not a Presidential campaign." Upon further conversation, this caller divulged she felt President Bush and Vice President Cheney should likewise "not be out campaigning, but attending to the business in Washington." The talk show host immediately stated, "Then, in the interest of fairness, you would also want Kerry and Edwards to go back to the Senate and tend to their responsibilities in Congress to their respective constituents". However, the caller strongly denied she wanted the Democrat’s candidates to stop campaigning, and continued to give reasons why our President and his staff should stay in Washington and NOT campaign.
I post these observations to urge ALL conservatives to get busy and share ideas, make suggestions, and design ways for our segment of the population to ensure we get equal time and similar coverage as that being given our opposition. If we fail to properly challenge the present atmosphere of misinformation and unbalanced reporting, we will no longer be living in a republic, but a form of government similar to that formerly known as the U.S.S.R. What we are seeing now is all part of a larger plan and that plan is obviously not designed to fit the requirements of our present Constitution. Let us start organizing NOW, before it is too late.
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