Since the Bush win on Nov 4, there have been many public introspectives by saddened democrats. They have blamed everything from gay marriage to Kerry himself. They have searched in vain to find a true reason for their party's failure at the polls. They have ridiculed the voters, called us stupid, hayseeds, hicks and nazis. They have failed to see the truth. Surpised?? Me neither. Their arrogance and self-proclaimed superiority have lost them this election, it's that simple.
Depressed democrats, (my favorite kind), have said that Bush did a better job scaring the people of this country. I fear they will never understand us, at least I hope not. Americans, as we know are hard working family-oriented people. We like to be among friends and do what we can to secure our futures as INDIVIDUALS. We do not vote because we are scared. We may be scared by certain things, but we never run.
Liberals see this country as a huge classroom, and themselves as the enlightened professors. They think that average Americans are incapable of true understanding. So, they have elected themselves to be self-appointed 'life guides" for us all. They will tell us how to live. They will tell us how to worship. They will tell us what to think and believe. They will admonish us when we are wrong. You see, it's for our own good, they only want to help us. HOGWASH!! .......The American people just put a razor blade in Teacher's apple. Enough was finally.....enough.
We are a proud people. We do not like being pandered to, but we tolerated it for a while. We do not like being lied to, but we tolerated it for a while. We do not like to see the things we hold dear attacked from within, or from without, but we tolerated it....for a while. On November 2, 2004, we had finally begun to realize that....we don't have to put up with this nonsense anymore, so we won't. We turned out nation wide, not as Republicans, but as Americans. .............Millions and Millions of INDIVIDUAL Americans.
These are the things that really lost it for the Democrat party. It's not a campaign, it's a fundamentally flawed ideology that causes their problems. So, rest easy while the liberal 'elites' spin in circles trying to find the magic bullet, there is none. Until they change their ideology, their attitude, their demeanor, and their minds, they will continue to lose elections. Until the Democrat party sees Americans as individuals, and not a set of groups to be pandered to, they will continue to lose elections. Until the Democrat party begins to love this country again, and seek to better it, instead of just seeking the power to rule it, they will continue to lose elections. Until the Democrat party becomes.....the Republican party, they will continue to lose elections.
Depressed democrats, (my favorite kind), have said that Bush did a better job scaring the people of this country. I fear they will never understand us, at least I hope not. Americans, as we know are hard working family-oriented people. We like to be among friends and do what we can to secure our futures as INDIVIDUALS. We do not vote because we are scared. We may be scared by certain things, but we never run.
Liberals see this country as a huge classroom, and themselves as the enlightened professors. They think that average Americans are incapable of true understanding. So, they have elected themselves to be self-appointed 'life guides" for us all. They will tell us how to live. They will tell us how to worship. They will tell us what to think and believe. They will admonish us when we are wrong. You see, it's for our own good, they only want to help us. HOGWASH!! .......The American people just put a razor blade in Teacher's apple. Enough was finally.....enough.
We are a proud people. We do not like being pandered to, but we tolerated it for a while. We do not like being lied to, but we tolerated it for a while. We do not like to see the things we hold dear attacked from within, or from without, but we tolerated it....for a while. On November 2, 2004, we had finally begun to realize that....we don't have to put up with this nonsense anymore, so we won't. We turned out nation wide, not as Republicans, but as Americans. .............Millions and Millions of INDIVIDUAL Americans.
These are the things that really lost it for the Democrat party. It's not a campaign, it's a fundamentally flawed ideology that causes their problems. So, rest easy while the liberal 'elites' spin in circles trying to find the magic bullet, there is none. Until they change their ideology, their attitude, their demeanor, and their minds, they will continue to lose elections. Until the Democrat party sees Americans as individuals, and not a set of groups to be pandered to, they will continue to lose elections. Until the Democrat party begins to love this country again, and seek to better it, instead of just seeking the power to rule it, they will continue to lose elections. Until the Democrat party becomes.....the Republican party, they will continue to lose elections.
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