How President George W. Bush won re-election
President Bush won the two most important battle ground states of Florida and Ohio to gain the electoral votes needed to win re-election. Kerry conceded after it was clear he had no chance to fight the results in the courts like Al Gore did in Florida in the last election. How the President won. With the economy strong and the war on terrorism being the most important issue President Bush won with the largest vote total ever. Record numbers voted in what many call the most important election in their life times. The Democrat nominee, Kerry, was hurt by his dishonorable conduct during the Vietnam war when he bashed those that were serving there by accusing them of horrible crimes. Vietnam Veterans spoke out against kerry and were very effective with the use of campaign ads, books, web sites and movies to get the facts out to the general public. Left wing groups used tens of millions of dollars to bash Bush with propaganda to undermine the President and the war on terror but in the end the much smaller group of Veterans with donations from average citizens were more effective getting their message out because of their credibility. Leftists often made themselves look extremist and anti-American in their political agenda to defeat Bush. Kerry's supporters and the liberal media were also rejected by the voters whom were offended by their visceral hate and outright lies and propaganda including forged papers Dan Rather of CBS used to destroy the president. The last week, Kerry jumped on a story done by the liberal media of the NY Times and CBS of supposed missing weapons in Iraq which ended up hurting his campaign. The US military said they did find and destroy tons of weapons where they were supposedly missing from. A Bin Laden tape came out just days before the election which reminded everyone of the seriousness of the war on terror the President has been effective dealing with. President Bush won over 50% of the vote and claims a mandate to enact his policies. Republicans also picked up 4 Senate seats and gained in the House making a sweeping victory for President Bush and the Republicans.
At 8:25 PM,
Konservative Jay said…
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-Look forward to getting to know you guys
Konservative Jay
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