CCR Blog

Conservative's Chat Room members write on the CCR Blog. Notable statements made in the chat are posted so others can discuss.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Ted Kennedy sides with enemies of America and the free world.

Ted Kennedy bashes America and President George Bush just days before the historic elections in Iraq. He has said American soldiers are the problem instead of saying it's the terrorists. Kennedy claimed Iraqis are supporting the terrorists even though thousands are fighting along side of American soldiers against the terrorists. While Iraqis are excited and hopeful by the election, Kennedy gave aid and comfort to the terrorists whom murder thousands including cutting off the heads of many innocent people. Senator Kennedy has disgraced himself and should do the right thing and resign in disgrace. It's clear Kennedy has no decency about him and has continued his calls of defeat for America and a victory for terrorists in Iraq. Other Democrats have been silent and it's not yet known if any will have the courage to face the out of control Senator from Massachusetts. Sen. Ted Kennedy is destined to be known like his father whom also sided with the enemies of America and the free world before WWII. Kennedy's father was a Nazi supporter. Ted Kennedy's call for America to flee from terrorists whom attacked American on 9-11 is a boost to the terrorist network and encourages them to kill more people and kill more American soldiers. The Iraqi election is a historic event that the terrorists are trying to stop. The Iraqi people are showing the world that they want freedom by voting regardless of the terrorist's threats. Kennedy said it wasn't possible for successful elections in Iraq and may be trying to prop up the enemies of America to prevent freedom from spreading in Iraq and the middle east and the victory that America has in Iraq and the war on terror.


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