Tenure for college professors is a farce
Since when someone can't be fired? Liberals that run colleges embrace the tenure rule that makes it difficult to fire professors. Many professors are liberals and it looks obvious that they are protecting their liberal friends by giving them tenure. Let's start a new rule and call it 'de-tenure' because of the importance of the job teaching at a College or University. 'De-tenure' means all professors get annual revues to see if they should keep their jobs. Only the best continue as a professor or department leader. Certainly, professors would have no problem finding other employment if they are let go. If they can't get another job easily it's proof they weren't qualified to be a professor and the decision to fire them was well made. Competition for the important jobs of teaching at colleges needs to be introduced and no one should be comfortable that they can't be fired. All professorships need to be open to the best annually and only those Colleges and Universities that do so should be accredited and recognized for quality.
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